Saturday 12 December 2009

“ We’re all familiar with a blessing in disguise. What is less commonly appreciated is the disguise in many a blessing." - Mardy Grothe


What constitutes a blessing? What is the difference from a blessing verses a disguised blessing? According to Webster, a blessing is something conducive to happiness. When we were told that Mark was being laid off, his contract was not being renewed due to budget cuts, and we’d be moving back to the States, countless people told me that this was “a blessing in disguise”. So many people told me this, after I would explain our current situation, that it became as customary as saying “bless you” after someone sneezes. It lost all meaning. For those of you that know me well, it was on the same lines as someone giving me a “pat-pat” hug rather than a whole-hearted, genuine squeeze. So it got me wondering. What makes up the disguise?

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